Erik van Sebille
Erik van Sebille is an oceanographer and climate scientist, investigating the time scales and pathways of the global ocean circulation. His research focuses on how currents and eddies in the ocean transport heat and nutrients, as well as marine organisms and plastics between different regions of the ocean. After receiving his PhD from Utrecht University, he went on to work in Miami (USA), Sydney (Australia) and London (UK). Since April 2017 he is back at Utrecht University (Netherlands), while maintaining a strong link with Imperial College London. He currently holds an European Research Council Starting Grant to study the movement of plastic in the global ocean. Erik is a world leading expert on the problem of plastic, with frequent appearances in the media. He has testified before UK parliament on the banning on microbeads, is a member of a UN panel on the impacts of plastic pollution, and has advised the G7 and Japanese government on the scope of the problem.
Talk: Our Plastic Oceans: Sources, Fate and Risks of Marine Litter